The development has reached a point where I can say with confidence that this project is going to be released. There's also the feeling of place and purpose, often with lots of back story filled with historical and science-fiction motifs, unlike most Doom mods which just throw demons at you in a nondescript world with you as a nondescript tough guy who just wants to survive, rip and tear until it's done. And when you play any of the source code Wolf3D mods, you're right to be spooked, because literally anything can appear behind the corner (technically even something that may harm your computer, but let's trust the popular mods that they're safe to run :) ).Some of you propably remember when we anounced that we were going to do a remake of Spear of Destiny. What may make Wolf3D compelling to play anyway is the atmosphere created by the music, the textures, the difficulty and the unknown. No complex machinery like in Doom or especially later games. Of course, Wolf3D is just 2D, orthogonal and really plain in features: just doors, secret doors and combat. But until here, we have had a lot of Wolf3D Doom TCs with these flaws. I don't know how far did Blade of Agony (the latest Wolfenstein Doom TC) advance to solve these problems, probably a lot. It's also the equally primitive pursuit AI, which in Doom suffers a lot more due to the more advanced layout. Infighting, but also blocking their own attacks plays a role in making Doom monsters dumber. Basically, the Wolf3D enemies were stronger in groups. Now I'm not going to evaluate the morality or intelligence of virtual Nazi game enemies, but tactically they were a bit more powerful in Wolf3D, even if by pure mechanics. It was made for completely barbaric beasts of hell. The light fading in Doom makes everything look drab in comparison to Wolf3D Maybe the reasons are the following (mainly subjective): Well, I never liked how the Doom engine (talking of stronger engines) executes Wolfenstein-like gameplay.

How can any amount of modding on this engine do anything interesting, besides moving it to stronger engines. But we r are talking about Wolfenstein 3D, right?